Miyu Hosoi+Shun Ishiwaka+YCAM New Concert Piece《Sound Mine》
Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM]
- Theatre Piece
- 2019
Voice and percussion – rousing memories on an acoustic journey
Voice artist Miyu Hosoi and internationally noted young percussionist Shun Ishiwaka present a new concert piece realized in collaboration with YCAM.
Inspired by Hosoi’s and Ishiwaka’s respective explorations of expressive possibilities in music, together with the accumulated results of YCAM’s ongoing experimentation with sound and media technology, the concert piece revolves around a central theme of unearthing the layered information that is embedded in environmental sounds, to ultimately “rouse memories through sounds and tones.”
Approaching the matter from the environmental aspect, the work focuses on the process of the listener’s perception, and suggests alternative perspectives for the perception of sounds we casually hear in everyday life.
Rousing the visitor’s memories based on the characteristic acoustic properties of a space
The title of this work reflects the idea to “mine” and dig up information from within the various sounds we usually hear in a casual fashion in daily life. “Information” here refers to the characteristic acoustic properties that are specific to every space. In an outdoor setting without walls, for example, the speed of sound decreases according to the distance, while in an indoor space, the sound is reflected or swallowed up by the surrounding walls, ceiling or floor. This is why the same sound reverberates in different ways depending on such factors as the space’s shape, size or materials.
For this work, in the creation process the artists sampled a variety of sounds and reverberations that are unique to their respective spaces, including locations inside the YCAM building, and various other artificial and natural environments in Yamaguchi. Based on these samples, they created soundscapes that rouse all kinds of memories in the visitors who listen to them via headphones. Different from a regular concert, the musicians that are supposed to be the central elements of the performance are excluded from the audience’s view, and through the headphones alone, soundscapes as described above arise like three-dimensional, moving acoustic spaces for the listener to experience. Furthermore, the stage design and lighting are parts of the work that help create an abstract audiovisual image, within which the visitor is confronted with his or her own senses and memories.
- Date
- November 15 — 16, 2019
- Web
- https://www.ycam.jp/en/events/2019/sound-mine/
CREDIT Thank you for all the amazing staff
- コンセプト、演出、作曲、演奏:細井美裕、石若駿
- 機械制御、映像、空間デザイン:元木龍也
- テクニカル・ディレクション:大脇理智(YCAM)
- テクニカル・マネージメント:中上淳二(YCAM)
- 音響システム、音響デザイン:中上淳二(YCAM)
- 音響技術:安藤充人
- 照明デザイン:高原文江(YCAM)
- 映像制御プログラム、ネットワーク構築:三浦陽平(YCAM)
- 映像技術:大脇理智(YCAM)、今野恵菜(YCAM)
- プロダクション・マネージメント:クラレンス・ン(YCAM)
- テクニカルサポート:やの舞台
- 衣装:即興/SOKKYO
- 教育普及:金子春香(YCAM)、石川琢也(YCAM)、山岡大地(YCAM)、原泉(YCAM)
- 教育普及プログラムサポート:出口晃多、吉峰和奏、橋口勇樹、大金まどか、平尾美紀、秋貞朝、原さくら、坂倉杏香
- ハンズオン展示ディレクション:今野恵菜(YCAM)、中上淳二(YCAM)、細井美裕
- 広報:石井草実(YCAM)、谷紗矢乃(YCAM)
- ドキュメンテーション:渡邉朋也(YCAM)
- フライヤー・ポスター・ハンドアウトデザイン:へきち(田渕正敏・松田洋和)
- サイネージ・ディレクション:高原歩美(YCAM)
- コーディネーション:福地ひかり(YCAM)、山田ちほ(YCAM)
- 企画・制作:竹下暁子(YCAM)
- 技術監修:伊藤隆之(YCAM)
- 監修:会田大也(YCAM)
- Special Thanks:JEMAPUR、8%
- Photo(Concert):Yasuhiro Tani Photo Courtesy:Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM]
- 主催:公益財団法人山口市文化振興財団
- 後援:山口市、山口市教育委員会
- 協力:秋吉台国際芸術村、長登銅山文化交流館、興隆寺
- 共同開発:YCAM InterLab
- 企画制作:山口情報芸術センター[YCAM]